Licensing Information

Personal Use Only: All Printables on this site intended for personal use only. You may print and use these materials for your own individual purposes. Any commercial use, including but not limited to selling, sharing, distributing, or reproducing the Printables for profit, is strictly prohibited.

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  • Please include a DOFOLLOW link to the specific article where the printable PDF is located, rather than linking directly to the PDF.
  • We prefer that you link to our site instead of downloading and re-uploading the PDF to yours. You are welcome to use our images (webp, png, jpeg) to showcase the printable on your site with a link back to our articles.
  • In some cases, we may offer edits, color changes and personalisation/brand implementations for website owners in exchange for a link to our site. Please reach out to [email protected] with ‘BACKLINK OFFER’ in the subject line, and include information about which printables, you would like, your website and any other information that may help us.

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Commercial Licensing: Limited commercial licensing may be available for those who wish to use the Printables for commercial purposes. For more information and to inquire about obtaining a commercial license, please reach out to [email protected].

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