Keeping track of your favorite fragrances, essential oils, and their unique benefits can get overwhelming, especially if you’re experimenting with new scents or crafting your own blends. These free printable fragrance and oil lists are perfect for organizing all your scent notes in one place. With sections for the fragrance name, description, scent profile, and therapeutic benefits, you’ll have everything you need at a glance—whether you’re managing a collection for personal use or a small business.
These lists are ideal for anyone passionate about aromatherapy, candle making, or creating personalized perfumes. Pair them with our supply trackers or supplier comparison sheets to keep a complete record of your creations and materials. Having a dedicated spot to document each oil’s properties and potential uses also makes it easier to remember your favorites or to identify which combinations work best together.
How To Download These Free Fragrance Lists
To download, click on the picture of the list you prefer. This will open a PDF file, where you can use the save or download options to keep it on your device. Be sure to scroll through all the different designs to find one that matches your needs.