Printable December 2025 Calendars - Free PDF Printables

December 2025 Calendars

As the year comes to a close, December 2025 brings with it the joy and excitement of the holiday season. Our December calendars, available in both Sunday and Monday starts, help you manage your festive plans and year-end tasks with grace. From vibrant colors to elegant designs, our calendars add a touch of seasonal cheer to your organization. Keep track of holiday events, gift lists, and New Year’s resolutions with our beautiful and functional calendars.

How to Download Your December 2025 Calendars

To download your free December calendar, select your favourite design. This will open a PDF file that you can save or download by clicking the ‘save’ or ‘download’ button, typically found in the top corner (or at the bottom on most mobile devices).

Download More 2025 Calendars

Keep your year on track with our full selection of 2025 monthly calendars. Each month features matching designs, helping you maintain a consistent and stylish look or mix things up as you prefer.

December 2025 Calendars – Monday Start

December 2025 calendar in landscape orientation. Days start from Monday. Header and weekdays are in teal color. Calendar grid is white with black text. The last few days are shaded light gray.
December 2025 calendar in landscape orientation. Days start from Monday. Header is black, weekdays are color-coded in pastel shades. Calendar grid is white with black text.
December 2025 calendar in portrait orientation. Days start from Monday. Header and weekdays are in pink/mauve color. Calendar grid is white with black text. Bottom section has space for notes. The last few days are shaded light pink.
December 2025 calendar in landscape orientation. Days start from Monday. Header and weekdays are in purple color. Calendar grid is white with black text. The last few days are shaded light pink.
December 2025 calendar in portrait orientation. Days start from Monday. Header and weekdays are in teal color. Calendar grid is white with teal text and rounded corners. Bottom section includes spaces for important dates and notes. "2025" is displayed as a large watermark behind the month name.
December 2025 calendar in landscape orientation. Weekdays start from Monday. Header and weekdays in teal green. White calendar grid with black text.
December 2025 calendar in portrait orientation. Weekdays start from Monday. Header and weekdays in coral/pink. White calendar grid with black text. Bottom section for notes.
December 2025 calendar in landscape orientation. Weekdays start from Monday. Black header, weekdays color-coded in pastel shades. White calendar grid with black text.
December 2025 calendar in landscape orientation. Weekdays start from Monday. Header and weekdays brown. White calendar grid with black text.
December 2025 calendar in portrait orientation. Weekdays start from Monday. Mint green color scheme. White calendar grid with rounded corners. Sections for important dates and notes. "2025" watermark behind month name.
December 2025 calendar in portrait orientation. Weekdays start from Monday. Header and weekdays in coral/pink. White calendar grid with black text. Bottom section for notes.
December 2025 calendar in landscape orientation. Weekdays start from Monday. Header and weekdays in burgundy/purple. White calendar grid with black text.
December 2025 calendar in landscape orientation. Weekdays start from Monday. Header and weekdays in teal green. White calendar grid with black text.
December 2025 calendar in landscape orientation. Weekdays start from Monday. Black header, weekdays color-coded in pastel shades. White calendar grid with black text.

December 2025 Calendars – Sunday Start

A 2025 December calendar template with a teal green header. Days of the week are listed across the top, with dates filling the grid below.
A colorful 2025 December calendar template. Each day of the week has a different pastel color header.
A 2025 December calendar template with a pink header and footer. The year 2025 appears faintly behind the month name.
A 2025 December calendar template with a purple color scheme. The year 2025 appears faintly behind the month name.
A 2025 December calendar template with a pink color scheme. It includes sections for important dates and notes at the bottom.
Uses a teal green color scheme for the header. The calendar grid is simple black and white.
A colorful December 2025 calendar template. Each day of the week has a different pastel-colored header, creating a rainbow effect across the top of the calendar grid.
A December 2025 calendar template with a brown header and footer. The year "2025" appears faintly behind the word "December" at the top of the calendar.
A December 2025 calendar template with a blank and white color scheme. The year "2025" is visible in a light font behind the month name "December" at the top of the calendar.
A December 2025 calendar template with a aqua green header. The grid shows dates from December 1 to January 4, with weekdays listed across the top in white text on teal backgrounds.
Light Orange 2025 December Calender in vertical format.
A blue 2025 December calendar, Sunday start. Horizontal format.
A purple 2025 December calendar, Sunday start. Vertical format.
Brown 2025 December Calender in vertical format.